Sunday 26 February 2017

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Puriri Post - Issue 2 - Week 3


The children have completed two weeks of swimming at The Tepid Baths. The increase in water confidence for some of the children has been very noticeable. Here are some of the kids comments about swimming:

'We had to do 8 laps of freestyle to start of and then 4 laps of backstroke and then 4 laps of survival stroke. The survival stroke was like backstroke on your back.' Lauren

'The teachers are quite strict and on task and good at teaching us to swim properly.' Teresa-Mae

'I enjoyed diving in at the end.' Maddy

'I learnt how to do backstroke and breaststroke a bit better.' Suki

Swimming Sports is in Week 1 of Term 2. It will be held at Millennium Aquatic Centre. May 3. More details will follow, closer to the time.

Meet The Teachers

Thank you so much to those of you that made it along last night. We hope we clarified any questions you had around teaching and learning in the Puriri Team. Please remember we have an open door policy and we value home-school communication. Email Sven or Lizzie if you have any further questions about your child's learning or if there is anything you are unsure of.


The children are well underway with their learning and we are in the process of identifying relevant goals for core curriculum areas. This year their progress sheets (which relate to the national standards) will be in their Office 365/One Note notebooks. If your child hasn't shown you their notebooks ask them if you can take a look. A lot of important information is distributed through this notebook regarding learning and associated tasks, like, Chapter Chat questions for example. We are strongly encouraging and championing student-led learning in our learning space, where the children know where 'how they are going, where they are going, and where to next.' There are children who may need more support and this support is of course provided.

School Picnic

 A reminder about the school picnic on the field this evening. This is always a nice way to informally catch up with others in the community and the weather is looking good! 5pm - 7.30pm. BYO picnics and drinks.

Future Important Dates

March 20 and 22 - Goal Setting Conferences
April 1 - Music on the Field
April 4 - 7 EOTC Week
April 13 - Last day of Term 1 May 1 - Term 2 commences
May 3 - Y3 -Y6 Swimming Sports

Monday 6 February 2017

Goals for 2017

Made with Padlet

How Was Your Holiday?

Chose someone to send a msg to. Make sure you explain a little bit about what you did in the holidays, where you went and what the weather was like. Maybe ask them so questions too. You never know they might reply! You need to included a picture too.

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of stud...