Thursday 23 March 2017

Puriri Post - Issue 4

Learning Conferences

Thank you to everyone for coming into school this week to listen to the children talk through their learning pathways. We were proud of the way the children are taking ownership and we are starting to see some true 'student led learning'. The way the children are managing their time and requesting lessons to fulfill their goals is impressive. Remember to check in from time to time at home with your child's progressions by asking them to show you through their OneNote. There is also a page in here that explains our homework expectations for 2017.

Responding to Feedback

This week we have been focusing on responding to feedback, as well as giving constructive feedback. Click on the link below to watch a short 6 minute clip we shared with the children. The children have been asked to 'think like an editor' just like Austin was asked to 'think like a scientist' and critique and improve their writing by doing a second draft. The improvement from the first to second draft was really noticeable. What would happen after 6 drafts?

Austin's Butterfly


There will be some more information coming out soon regarding EOTC. Thanks to the parents who reponded regarding transport to the ferry terminal.

Future Dates

April 1 - Music on the Field
April 4 - 7 EOTC Week
April 13 - Last day of Term 1 May 1 - Term 2 commences
May 3 (Term 2) - Y3 -Y6 Swimming Sports

Please remember we have an open door policy

Monday 20 March 2017

Writer's Purpose - Follow Up Week 7

View the powerpoint on writer's pupose. Any questions you have, ask a buddy (who attended this workshop), Lizzie or write in your reading book.

Discuss the powerpoint with a buddy who attended the same workshop. Once you have viewed the powerpoint write a paragraph in your Reading Book with the title: Why Does a Writer Write. See Lizzie to have this goal signed off.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Get Kids Off the Screen!

PROJECT WILD THING - official trailer from Green Lions on Vimeo. Watch this video and write a comment about how you feel about the amount of time children spend on devices...

Monday 6 March 2017

Puriri Post - Issue 3

Learning Pathways

At the end of 5 weeks of school and we are feeling confident that the children have got a firm hold of  ‘Where they are going, how they are going and where to next..’.  All children have transferred their goals from their physical learning journal to their Onenote notebook. The idea behind this is that we can access and update it anywhere and they can share their learning with you at home. As a rule, anything that is not highlighted remains a broad goal, but the goals the children are focussing on are yellow and the goals they have achieved are green.  This rule will apply across the school if you have children in other year levels, yellow: goals and green: achieved.  As the children are all learning at their own pace, goals are constantly assessed and discussed. Your child will talk more about their goals and learning pathways at the conferences in Week 7 – March 20 and March 22.

Dealing with Conflict

This year you will hear the word collaboration a lot! The teachers are collaborating, the children are collaborating and with all this collaboration it is only natural that some conflict will arise. We are using these opportunities to try and arm the children with some useful life skills and help this make sensible choices when conflict arises. We have included some of the posters that the children have made to promote dealing with conflict.  We have also seen children ‘choosing kind’ in the classroom which is very humbling.

Chapter Chat – Term 2

The level of engagement with our current Chapter Chat novel, Holes has been admirable. The children have been discussing the novel inside and outside of class, with various theories and predictions happening. The organiser of the Chapter Chat has announced the book for Term 2 and we have once again signed up to take part with 90 other Y5/6 classes around the country.  The novel for Term 2 is Ms. Bixby’s Last Day, which was released last year and is an unforgettable coming-of-age story from John David Anderson.

Headphones for Devices

We have just purchased a class set of headphones for the Puriri Team. These will be really helpful in class when the children are working in Reading Eggpress and other online tasks as some of the activities have sound and music. If your child has some headphones already at home, it would be fantastic is they could bring these in to use. 


We have registered the Puriri Team in an initiative called #GetNZWriting which plans to do just that. 96,000 students around the country have signed up, classes have been connected with other classes geographically and inspired to start conversations. The best lines from our poems about Bayfield School will be winging their way down to Christchurch right now! 

"Loneliness is a myth here because if you're feeling that then the first thing you will hear is "Don't sit there, play with us over there." By Tabitha and Matthew

EOTC – Parent Help

Education outside of The Classroom is one of the most anticipated weeks of the year for our Year 5s. With the goal of getting them to experience new things, challenge themselves and prepare them for Year 6 camp in 2018.  We have an exciting week planned and we are looking for parent helpers Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you are available to help please email Sven or Lizzie

Tuesday 4th April – Puriri Wellness DayWednesday 5th April Rangitoto Island Trip and walk to the summitThursday 6th April North Head & Navy MuseumFriday 7th April  Clip n Climb and Wave Pools

Future Important Dates

March 20 and 22 - Goal Setting Conferences
April 1 - Music on the Field
April 4 - 7 EOTC Week
April 13 - Last day of Term 1 May 1 - Term 2 commences
May 3 (Term 2) - Y3 -Y6 Swimming Sports

Please remember we have an open door policy

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Made with Padlet

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Made with Padlet

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Made with Padlet

Compare Fractions with Unlike Denominators

Birthday Invites

Do you think we should give out birthday invites at school? Why or why not? Do you have any other suggestions of ideas that don't make people feel left out?

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of stud...