Tuesday 26 September 2017

Puriri Team 5 - Term 3 Week 10 ending 29 September 2017

The Puriri Team - The last week of term! It has been an incredibly busy term for the whole school, with a visit from ERO and the production. Students and the teachers are really looking forward to the two week break that isn't far away. Even though it was such a full on term the Puriri team have been incredible and are still learning a lot to the last day of the term.

The Production - We wrapped up the production with three amazing shows last week. All of our students had such an amazing time performing with their different groups in the production. We hope that you all were able to see your very talented children perform their parts. Well done to the main cast and Joanie for producing such a wonderful display of a production and congratulations. All of the students stood out and should be very proud of themselves.

Netball - Some of the girls from our Puriri team took part in the inner city school netball competition last week and did Bayfield incredibly proud by coming second. Westmere unfortunately edging out Bayfield in the final.

Enjoy the holidays everyone! We hope you all have a good break and get a good amount of rest before we get back to school for the last term of the year. Stay safe during your holidays and have fun!

Important Dates:
September 28 - Last Assembly for the term @ 1:30pm to farewell Sheryl
Term 4 - Book Bonanza in week 1 - 
Grandparent, Friends and Family Day: Friday 20 October

Thursday 21 September 2017

Solve-it: The Case of the Missing Shamrock


Read this mystery story below if you are attending the workshop on Thursday so you can come ready with your theories about who committed the crime...

It was late afternoon when Nina and Max Passed Miss Flannagan’s classroom at Harborville Middle School. They were about to go home when they saw their teacher scowling at Maria inside. Maria was also scowling and she was whispering to Miss Flannagan, while Megan and Patrick stood Listening Nearby.
“Let’s stop a minute and see what’s going on here,” Nina said to Max.
Miss Flannagan motioned them to come in. “I have a problem” here. Maybe you two can help me with it. You’ve solved Mysteries before, so please think a bit about this one.” “What’s going on?” Max asked. “Give us the details. Why are you whrispering, Maria?”
“I have a cold,” Maria Whispered and popped a cough drop into her mouth. “I lost my voice two days ago.”
“But what’s the problem, Miss Flannagan?” Nina asked. “Surely you’re not looking for maria’s lost voice.” Patrick and Megan giggled, but they said nothing. Miss Flannagan didn’t smile. Nor did Maria.
“My shamrock plant’s missing,” Miss Flannagan said. “It was right here on my desk, a few minutes ago. I brought it to school so my students could see a true shamrock plant, but now it’s gone. I can’t find it anywhere. I left the room for just a few moments to take some books to the media center. I know the plant was there at that time because I watered it. But when I returned to my classroom, These three were here and my shamrock was gone. I think one of them has taken it. Maybe one of them is hiding it as a joke.”
Nina thought about the missing plant as she looked at patrick, Megan, and Maria. they all looked nervous and ill at ease.
“What do you three have to say about this?” Nina asked. “Patrick, you told me yesterday that you needed a gift for your grandmother who is visiting you. was taking Miss Flannagan’s plant the solution to your problem?”
“No,” Patrick said. “Megan and Maria were already in Miss flannagan’s room when I arrived to get my English Assignment. I didn’t see the shamrock plant. I didn’t take it they’ll vocuh for me.”
“What about you, Megan?” Max asked. “You’ve worked on a lot of science projects and you’ve always liked unusual plants. Did you take the shamrock?”
“Of course not,” Megan said. “I already have two shamrock palnts at home. I didn’t take Miss Flannagan’s plant. I just stopped by to leave my book report on her desk. Maria was already in the room.”
“And you, Maria?” Nina asked.
“I didn’t take the plant,” Maria Whispered. “I Just Stopped by after choir practice to get my notebook. We’re performing for tomorrow’s assembly. I didn’t take the plant.”
Nina and Max stepped into the hall to discuss what they had heard. when they returned nina spoke. “We think we know who took the shamrock plant.”

Whom does Max suspect?

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Puriri Team 5 - Term 3 Week 8 ending 15th September

The Puriri Team - We are counting down to the end of the term now and we are in full production mode! But don't worry parents we are still learning like crazy!  

Senior School Speech Competition - Last week Alice McKendry, Estelle Rae, Gabsy Mitchell and Frankie Ashford competed in the speech competition to a packed hall.  We were incredibly proud of how confident they were and how hard they all worked on their speeches.  
In the end Gus Dallow from Kauri team took 1st place but the judges were so impressed with all our speakers.

Production - Next week is performance week and we have been practicing every day in preparation.  Sven and Jack still need a few parents to help out with costumes and make-up on performance nights so if you are available, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 5.30 - 6.30 then please email them to offer your services.
Remember the performance evenings are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and children must be at school by 6pm.

Other important info:
Performances start - 6.30pm 
Finished by 7.45pm
Children at school - 6pm (not earlier please)
Please do not leave during a performance to collect your child 

All children must be collected from team spaces by an adult, who must sign them out with the           “Sign-Out” teacher 

Important Term Dates:

September 13 - ICSS Speech Comp - Pons Primary -1.40pm Start
September 19, 20, 21 - Production Week
September 21 -  ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts
September 28 - Last Assembly for the term @ 1:30pm to farewell Sheryl
Term 4 - Book Bonanza in week 1 - 
Friday 20 October - Special Visitors & Grandparents morning 

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of stud...