Sunday 19 November 2017

Puriri Team 5 - Term 4, Week 6

Can you believe we are over half way through term 4!  Summer is almost here and we can almost smell the holidays already!  

STEPZ Dance - We are really grooving now after two lessons.  Even Jack is starting to find some limited sense of rhythm. See the video above for a sneak peak at what we are doing.

Business Day 1 December - Business Day is next Friday and we are just putting the final touches on our adverts and posters etc.  There has been a slight change (excuse the $$$ pun) from the info sent home last week as we will now provide the students with their floats so they don't need to bring any money on the day!
Don't forget to email any costs or send receipts for any materials/ingredients purchased if you require a refund.  We will refund expenses after Business Day.
Students have taken home letters with the things they are responsible for bringing or organizing on the day.  Make sure you ask them for it if you haven't seen it yet.
Other considerations:
-Power (extension cords)
- Containers for money
-gloves *Must have gloves if handling food
-Chilly bins/ice
-freezer needed

-Adults to assist with machinery

Working Bee - Ahhh a good old fashioned, get ya hands dirty and muck in, working bee.  Was a great effort by the Puriri Team.  We shovelled, barrowed and raked our little hearts out!  You can view our work over by the fence on the field.  We lay all the new bark which Peter was very pleased about.  A big thank you to all those who brought wheel barrows in to help out!

Choir - Congratulations to all of the students from the Puriri team who took part in the APPA Choir concert on Tuesday evening. By all accounts it was an amazing performance and you truly did Bayfield proud! 

ICSS Athletics - We had an incredible team compete in the inner city athletics day on Wednesday.  Mixed results with a number of placings.  Well done to all who competed!

Important Dates:
November 22 - ICSS Athletics @ Takapuna
November 24 - Lewis Eady Concert @ lunchtime in hall
November 30 - Year 5 & 6 to Wonder movie in Takapuna depart @ 9:10am
December 1 - Assembly Business Day
December 2 - Ukulele Festival @ Mt Roskill Primary
December 8 - Bayfield Open Tennis Tournament @ HBRC
December 15 - Assembly and reports to go home
December 19 - Last Day of School - finish @ 12:40pm.  Yay for the holidays!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Puriri Team 5 - Term 4 , Week 4

Puriri Team
Week 4 of term 4 already! With only 5 weeks left, this term is flying by! The Puriri students are still working hard each day and being the awesome students they are.

Auckland Marathon - Last weekend we had a lot of Bayfield students (the most entered by one school) take part in the last 2.5 km of the Auckland Marathon. These students had been training hard each day going on runs with Kate, Ashley, Jack and Sophie adding up their distant to reach a full 42 km! The day was perfect running weather and the students from the Puriri team were incredibly fast. Making a real effort with the distance they had. Well Done Guys!

(Some of the Marathon runners)

Kids for Kids Choir - Congratulations to all of the students from the Puriri team who took part in the Kids for Kids Choir on Monday! You all represented the school incredibly well and should be very proud.

Business Day 1 December - Business Day planning is in full swing already. The students have come up with some fantastic money making ideas and Sven and I are really looking forward to how they all turn out on the day. The students have their business plan on their Onenotes and know all the tasks they and their groups need to complete. (Including jingles, logos and and a slogan). Good luck to everyone and their ideas. Parents can help by double checking that their children's ideas are something that is possible. :)
*We are quite keen to get some guest speakers in to talk to us about setting up a successful business so you or someone you know would be willing to come and chat to the team please email Sven or Jack and let us know.

STEPZ Dance - Sven's dance moves weren't cutting it anymore and the kids had had enough of the robot!  From this Thursday, the Puriri team will be getting some real lessons by starting their first of three dance lessons with STEPZ dance. Feel free to teach your children some 'real' dance moves if you get the chance.

We hope everyone has had a joyful start to the term and we wish you all the best for the rest of it. As always, if you need to talk to Sven or I feel free to pop into class in the mornings or flick us an email.

The Puriri Team

Important Dates:
November 17th - Assembly & Sausage Sizzle
November 18th - Bingo Fun Night! (Get your tickets quick)
November 21 - APPA Choir Town Hall-  6pm
November 22 - ICSS Athletics @ Takapuna
November 24 - Lewis Eady Concert @ lunchtime in hall
November 30 - Year 5 & 6 to Wonder movie in Takapuna depart @ 9:10am
December 1 - Assembly Business Day
December 2 - Ukulele Festival @ Mt Roskill Primary
December 8 - Bayfield Open Tennis Tournament @ HBRC
December 15 - Assembly and reports to go home
December 19 - Last Day of School - finish @ 12:40pm.  Yay for the holidays!

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of stud...