Wednesday 5 December 2018

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year
What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of students we have in the Rimu family. It hasn't slowed down this term either. The team has been super busy with a range of things, including the introduction of STEAM challenges, Business Day, Inner City Athletics, Bayfields Got Talent and Grad practice for the year 6s. Although it's been a busy term, our students have been awesome and we all (teachers included) just need to hold on for the last two weeks.

STEAM Challenges
This term the Rimu and Kauri teams have come together once a week to face a STEAM challenge. In case you didn't know STEAM is a challenge that consists of using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. The students have faced a range of different challenges, which have not been easy. Through these, they have shown us some real perseverance, resilience, and determination.

Bayfields' Got Talent
As you may know, over the last couple of weeks some of our year six students put together the Bayfields' Got Talent competition. It was incredibly popular with a lot of our students showing a range of amazing talents. We were fortunate enough to have some members of our team in the finals. Congratulations to you both Alice McKendry and Bruno Canestri. Further congratulations go to Bruno who actually won the whole competition with his cover of Believer by Imagine Dragons. Was incredible to see just how much talent the students here at Bayfield have!

Business Day
Business day was a HUGE success this year. The day made over $3000, which is an amazing feat. The students were so well-prepared and the day was so much fun for everyone here at school. The range of activities and food provided by the students were well organised, efficient and thought out. Our students should be incredibly proud of themselves! Highest amount earnt at Business Day ever! Good work everyone!

Firstly, thank you to all the parents that helped us out on this day! Without you, it would of not of run so smoothly. With the rain holding off, it was the perfect day for athletics. The students gave it everything they got and did so well to take part in many different sports. Well done to our students who placed high enough for Inner City Athletics. It was a tough competition at the event this year but our Bayfield students did well to hold their own. Congratulations, to Piper Lodge and Gus Dallow who placed third in their 800m finals. Congratulations to Matty Atiga who placed first in shot-put and Mia Montgomerie who placed third in high jump. Such amazing efforts from everyone on the day.

Signing Off
Sven and I want to say a huge thank you to all of the parents of our Rimu students. Thank you for an amazing year, stopping in to have chats with us and helping us with all the different events and jobs around the classroom. We wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. To our Year 6's and your parents, it has been an awesome journey (more so if we taught you more than once) and we hope that intermediate is a fun experience. To our year 5's and your parents. We look forward to seeing you all again next year and hope to carry on with you and your school journey. Have a great holiday everyone!


Important Dates:
Year 6 Graduation – 13th December
Year 5's Trip to Pt Erin Pools - 18th December
Year 6's Trip to Rainbows End - 19th December
Last Day of The Year - 20th December

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of stud...