Tuesday 23 May 2017

Puriri Post - Issue 6

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X Country

Talk about fast runners!  We had an awesome time at Cox's bay last friday, in what some would called perfect X-Country conditions. Although a lot the students were hoping for that rain to save them from it, our students did an amazing job aiming to run the X-Country as fast as they could.  Congratulations to all those who made the Inner City Team!! These guys are going on to represent our school next thursday. Good luck!

At school this week we have been gathering information about our pulse-rates. We have displayed the data using a stem-and-leaf graph. A stem-and-leaf graph is a bar graph made by arranging numerical data in a display. The first part of the number is the stem and the last part is the leaf. 
See if you can place the pulse-rates of your family on the chart below.
stem-and-leaf graph
We been solving heart-beat problems with the help of calculators. Here’s one for you to work on with your child:
How many times does your child’s heart beat in a week?


We have been getting stuck into our shared novel 'Ms Bixby's Last Day' and the children have been producing awesome artwork and answers to the chapter chat questions. All parents are more than welcome to come inside to see the incredible art work that the children have been producing from chapter chat and of course the answers to our weekly questions.

Library - We have changed our library day to Tuesday from 11.20 - 12.00.  We really appreciated parent help running the desk with this last term and would love more this term.  If you are available could you please email us we are happy to make up a roster.


Although a lot of our writing has been science-based this term, Sven and I have decided to bring back genre sessions for the children to improve their range in writing styles. Last week the genre's were legends and narratives. Lauren Goldwater had her legend story about Sir Edmund Hillary conquering Mt. Everest posted on our blog last week and shows us just how imaginative and open minded our children are, with the writing skills to match.

Now that our science mini lessons are complete students are beginning to work either by themselves or with a buddy on their own science investigation. Students are working across year 5 & 6 and our science lessons are on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. This means you may need to remind your child/ren that they will need to bring their equipment to school on these days. The research has begun and the questions have been asked. Now it's time to see just how inquisitive our students are. Experiments can be completed either at school or at home but all writing must be completed within the class. 

This science project is due on the 3rd July. We can't wait to see what the students investigate.
To make sure students are given enough time to complete their investigation we are going to have dedicated science days in Week 7 and 8 on the 13th, 15th and the 20th and 22nd June.

Sausage Sizzle
Every two weeks the councilors will run a sausage sizzle for Bayfield students. It will always be the same day that we have assembly.

Future Dates

June 1 - ICSS Cross-Country
June 5 - Queen's Birthday
June 13 - Dedicated science Day
June 15 - Dedicated Science Day
June 20 - Dedicated Science Day
June 22 - ICSS Rugby League/Dedicated Science Day
June 23 - ICAS registrations close
June 28 - Skip-a-thon

Please remember we have an open door policy


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