Wednesday 30 August 2017

Puriri Team 5 - Term 3 Week 6 ending 1st September

Week 6 in term 3 now and it doesn't look like it will slow down anytime soon! 

The Puriri Team - We are enjoying another fun and educational filled term in the puriri team. We inlcuded NZ math week into our workshops last week and the problems we faced were difficult but taught us a lot! Literacy has been brilliant this term and with the writing sample we have just completed, Sven and I can see big improvements in a lot of students work, well done team! 

Here is our photo of one of our workshops where we learnt how to make a triangle using only one straight cut.

Rugby & Rippa Rugby - A couple weeks back some of the girls and boys of the puriri team competed in the Inner School Rugy & Rippa Rugby competition. The boys were incredible and only just lost by one try to Westmere in the final. The girls in the rippa rugby team were just as amazing and made it all the way to the semi finals until they fell short to Pt Chev. Both teams showed some awesome skills and made Bayfield incredibly proud.

Production - We have the production coming up in week 9 and regular practices have started, with a lot of crazy and slick dance moves being taught.  Please ensure if you are going to be away that you let your child's teacher/s know ASAP so they can factor that in when planning for their scenes. 
Note for Parents: We are looking for any parents who have skills in sewing and would have some time to help with some costume designs. If you think you might be able to help out you can email Sven or I.

Awataha Marae Visit - The Marae visit was an amazing experience for the kids last week! We learnt a lot during our trip and even got to try some tasty fried bread, YUMMY! Sven couldn't get enough of it. The students had such a fun time, learning how to weave, how to make sound with the Putatara (Conch Shell) and even learning a new haka. Awataha Marae were very educational hosts and made the whole school feel very welcome.

Important Term Dates:
August 31 - ICSS Soccer @ Seddon Fields
September 4 - Senior School Speech Comp
September 5 - 5 Photolife Class & Portrait photos
September 13 - ICSS Speech Comp - Pons Primary -1.40pm Start
September 19, 20, 21 - Production Week
September 21 -  ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts
September 28 - Last Assembly for the term @ 1:30pm to farewell Sheryl

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