Monday 26 February 2018

Rimu Term 1, Week 4 ending 2 March 2018

Image result for growth mindset

The Rimu Team

We have had a great start to 2018 full of fun and exciting learning opportunities to grow and stretch our brains.  We have our reading, writing and math programmes up and running and we are collaborating with Kauri team in the afternoons to give our students a range of other learning experiences. Jack is taking PE, Tina is running art workshops, Holly is offering digital technology experiences and Sven is taking leadership development sessions.

Kids Blog

Our students are starting to publish their work to the Rimu Kidsblog.  The work that they put up should be pieces of writing that they have drafted in class and are very proud of and want to share.  We encourage students not to just use it as a format to post unrelated things as it is not intended to be a social media format but a celebration of good work.  We encourage parents to view the students writing and offer constructive feedback through the comments section.  Check it out (link below) the Rimu blog and check in regularly to see any new posts.

Reading Zone

    The Goal of Reading Zone is to create passionate readers. Students are given the guidance around book choices and are encouraged to broaden their reading horizons. Students should read the same book for at least 30mins at school and then again at night (an hour a day). We observed amazing results in all areas of literacy after doing reading zone for the second half of last year.
  • Please try and remind your child to read their Reading Zone book every night and discuss all the amazing books they are reading. Some children have already read at least 5 books this year so far.
  • Swimming
Remember students will be swimming every day for the next two weeks and will need their togs, towels and googles at school every day.
The school swimming sports event will take place in week 3, Thursday 15th March. Top 3 placegetters go on to represent the school at the inner city competition.

  • Bayfield Leaders
  • Congratulations to all of our students that applied for and received leadership positions last week. You are the leaders of our school and we know you will make us proud by leading through your actions.

 Year 6 Councillors

 Year 6 Ambassadors

  • House Captains 2018

  • Note from the library:

Thank you to all the parents who helped out last term running the Book Bonanza and preparing the newly donated books!
We are about halfway through the job.  In order to get all of these wonderful books into circulation, we need some extra help to finish the covering/taping.

Can anyone spare some time to volunteer to help with this?

If you can help please email Isa (

Important Dates Term 1
Feb 26th - Year 5 & 6 Swimming starts
March 1 - ICSS Cricket
March 19 - Life Education starts
March 19 & 21 - Learning Conferences - school closes @ 12:40pm on Monday 19 March
March 29 - ICSS Softball
April 4 - 6 - Bayfield Get Inspired Week
April 13 - Last Day of Term


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