Sunday 25 March 2018

Rimu Term 1, Week ending 29th March

The Rimu Team of Learners

Easter already and the end of term is in sight.  Well done to all of our fantastic students who shared their learning with their parents and caregivers during our two days of learning conferences.  You were all so confident sharing your learning goals and talking about what you have achieved and what your next steps are.  It will be great to see all the exciting progress you have made at our next round of conferences midyear.

Life Education

Our students have been attending Life Education sessions over the last two weeks.  The focus for the sessions has been around building self-esteem, having a positive mindset, and also how to stay cyber-safe.  They have been given activity booklets that have tasks related to some of the learning that has taken place, which will be sent home.

PAT Testing

This week we have been doing PAT Testing. These tests are sat every year and are used alongside other data to inform the teaching and learning programmes. The results for these will be shared with the students when they become available.

Bayfield Get Inspired

Our students have now been put into their groups for this after choosing their top 3.  They will have found out by the end of the week and groups will be meeting next Thursday 5th April to discuss what they will be doing and what they need to bring before the following day, 6th April, when they will be with their group for the whole day doing their chosen activity.

Reading Zone

Don't forget students must be taking their Reading Zone books home each night to read for at least 30mins.  It must be the same book that they are reading at school.

Swimming Sports

Swimming sports was a huge success.  A big thank you to all of our amazing parents who helped to make the day run so smoothly.  Those students who gained top 3 placings will attend the ICSS Swimming Sports Competition on 10th May.

Important Dates Term 1
March 30 - April 3 - Easter holidays - this includes the Tuesday April 5 - ICSS Softball
April 4 - 6 - Bayfield Get Inspired Week
April 13 - Last Day of Term


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