Wednesday 5 December 2018

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year
What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of students we have in the Rimu family. It hasn't slowed down this term either. The team has been super busy with a range of things, including the introduction of STEAM challenges, Business Day, Inner City Athletics, Bayfields Got Talent and Grad practice for the year 6s. Although it's been a busy term, our students have been awesome and we all (teachers included) just need to hold on for the last two weeks.

STEAM Challenges
This term the Rimu and Kauri teams have come together once a week to face a STEAM challenge. In case you didn't know STEAM is a challenge that consists of using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. The students have faced a range of different challenges, which have not been easy. Through these, they have shown us some real perseverance, resilience, and determination.

Bayfields' Got Talent
As you may know, over the last couple of weeks some of our year six students put together the Bayfields' Got Talent competition. It was incredibly popular with a lot of our students showing a range of amazing talents. We were fortunate enough to have some members of our team in the finals. Congratulations to you both Alice McKendry and Bruno Canestri. Further congratulations go to Bruno who actually won the whole competition with his cover of Believer by Imagine Dragons. Was incredible to see just how much talent the students here at Bayfield have!

Business Day
Business day was a HUGE success this year. The day made over $3000, which is an amazing feat. The students were so well-prepared and the day was so much fun for everyone here at school. The range of activities and food provided by the students were well organised, efficient and thought out. Our students should be incredibly proud of themselves! Highest amount earnt at Business Day ever! Good work everyone!

Firstly, thank you to all the parents that helped us out on this day! Without you, it would of not of run so smoothly. With the rain holding off, it was the perfect day for athletics. The students gave it everything they got and did so well to take part in many different sports. Well done to our students who placed high enough for Inner City Athletics. It was a tough competition at the event this year but our Bayfield students did well to hold their own. Congratulations, to Piper Lodge and Gus Dallow who placed third in their 800m finals. Congratulations to Matty Atiga who placed first in shot-put and Mia Montgomerie who placed third in high jump. Such amazing efforts from everyone on the day.

Signing Off
Sven and I want to say a huge thank you to all of the parents of our Rimu students. Thank you for an amazing year, stopping in to have chats with us and helping us with all the different events and jobs around the classroom. We wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. To our Year 6's and your parents, it has been an awesome journey (more so if we taught you more than once) and we hope that intermediate is a fun experience. To our year 5's and your parents. We look forward to seeing you all again next year and hope to carry on with you and your school journey. Have a great holiday everyone!


Important Dates:
Year 6 Graduation – 13th December
Year 5's Trip to Pt Erin Pools - 18th December
Year 6's Trip to Rainbows End - 19th December
Last Day of The Year - 20th December

Monday 24 September 2018

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 3 week 10 ending 28 September 2018

End of Term
What a cracker of a term!  We have done so much: Kids Marathon, Ponsonby Roadshow, Inner City Rugby, Learning Conferences, Inner City Soccer, National Skiing Championship, Art Exhibition, School Disco, Tongan Language Week, Maori Language Week, Schoolwide Maori Rotation, Speech Competition, Champs of Champs Rugby, Book Week, Skip-a-thon...just to name a few of the things we have done in the last 10 weeks...crazy right!

Maori Rotation!
As part of Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori (Maori Language Week) Bayfield students took part in a school-wide Maori rotation.  Over two afternoons students were involved in several different maori activities such as, poi, te rakau, dance, art, cooking and whare building.  It was an amazing learning experiences for all our tamariki and kaiako.

Skip-a-thon - House Day

What an amazing day we had last Friday.  Students have been training so hard on their skipping and the hard word really paid off during our Skip-a-thon House Day.  Students participated in a range of skipping related challenges and had loads of fun doing it.  Just a reminder that any skip-a-thon money needs to go to the office by the last day of term.
Below is a video of some of the skipping highlights this term...

Students competed in our first annual Rehu Tai competition this week and what a high calibre of performance we got.  Students in the rap, spoken word, flash talk and prepared speech categories were outstanding.  Congratulations to our winners below.  
Flash Talk - Harrison Benton (runner-up Zoe Paterson)
Spoken Word - Lola Hodgetts (runner-up Skye McCarthy)
Rap - L.E.O (runner-up Marcel Pou)
Prepared Speech - Alice McKendry (runner-up Lily Hansen)

Grandparents and Special Friend’s Day
This will be held this Friday 28 September - the last day of term. This is always a special   day for the children and we are looking forward to it. 

There are still a number of parents who haven't signed up to Seesaw.  It is a wonderful way to stay connected and to be informed about what your child is doing at school.  If you haven't signed up yet can you please follow the instructions below?

1. Click on this link:
2. Choose your child from the list
3. Create your account
4. Once we approve you, you can see content from your child
After you sign up, download the free Seesaw Family app and sign in. You can also access Seesaw from a computer at
P.s. If you used Seesaw last year or have more than one child using Seesaw, follow the link above, then click the 'Sign in' tab at the top of the screen. You do not need to create a new account.


Important Dates:
In Our Beat Choir Rehearsal at Ponsonby – 26th September
ICSS Hockey - 27th September
Last Day of Term/Grandparents and Special Friend’s Day - 28th September

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Scratch Holiday Coding Club

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 3 week 8 ending 14 September 2018

Kiwi Competition Results
The results and certificates for Kiwi Competition will be sent home later this week. We will be acknowledging all the students that sat the tests during this Friday's assembly, and in particular those students who have achieved a merit or above in the tests.


We have our annual Skip-a-thon next week! We have been practicing hard at school and on Friday 21 next week we will be skipping non-stop for 20 minutes. We are ready for the challenge! Hopefully we have lots of sponsors for this event! Every dollar raised goes towards new PE equipment for our sports shed! This will also be a house day so the children are encouraged to wear their house colours.

Students have been working hard on their chosen category. They will continue to work on their presentations in class with support from their teachers and peers this week. 

It is our expectation that they will present to their team during week 9, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September (Week 9).

Four presentations from each category will be selected for the senior school finals, which will be held on Monday 24th September (Week 10).

The overall winner of each category will go forward to the Inner City Schools Zone final which will be held in Week 1 of Term 4, Thursday 18th October.

2018 Bayfield Book Bonanza!
It’s that time of year again and we are holding the Annual Book Bonanza. This is run over two weeks (weeks 9 and 10) and we have some exciting events during this time.

We have the Book Parade 10am on Thursday 20th September in the hall. During this week, we have senior and junior classes getting together for Buddy Reading and each team will be read to by a “Mystery Reader”.
There will also be a Literacy Quiz run during this time. 

Do not forget the book poster competition also. This is due by September 24th.

Grandparents and Special Friend’s Day
This will be held on Friday 28 September - the last day of term. This is always a special   day for the children and we are looking forward to it. We will give the children the opportunity to make an invitation for their grandparents or special friend next week.

Inspirational People
Calling all architects, coders, creatives, animators, creative geniuses – absolutely anybody!  Please come into our learning space to educate us about what you do to make our world a better place / what your role is in the community. We have had two incredibly inspirational parents come in and share their journeys with us. We want to expose the children to the endless open opportunities that are out there, so they are prepared for our future.

We have a number of children wishing to design their own web pages as part of their Genius Hour so if you have any expertise in this field it would be wonderful if you could spare some time to come and help us point these children in the right direction.


Important Dates:
Te Wiki o te reo Maori - Maori Language Week - 10th - 14th September
ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts - 13th September (Save day 20th)
Year 5/6 Speech Presentation – 17th/18th September
Book Fortnight - 17th - 28th September
Champs of Champs Rugby – 19th September (Save day 20th)
Skip-a-thon Day - 21st September (Save Day 25th)
Senior Speech Finals – 24th September
In Our Beat Choir Rehearsal at Ponsonby – 26th September
ICSS Hockey - 27th September
Book Character Parade – Thursday 20 September
Last Day of Term/Grandparents and Special Friend’s Day - 28th September

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Rimu Teams 5 & 6 - Term 3 Week 6 ending 31 August 2018

The Rimu Team

Image result for growth mindset quotes

What a busy term it has been so far with lots of events and competitions.  We are hoping that the rest of the term might quieten down a little bit.  The focus for the rest of the term will be on the Oral Language Competition 'Rehu Tai' and also continuing working on our Genius Hour projects and Science Inquiries.

Rehu Tai - Spoken Word

A reminder that Instead of traditional speeches this year the students will have a choice of:
1.       Traditional Speech
2.       Flash Talk
3.       Spoken Word
4.       Rap
Students have been working with different teachers this week getting motivated about their chosen category. Students will continue to work on their presentations in class with support from their teachers and peers.  It is expected that they will present to their team during week 9, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September (Week 9). Four presentations from each category will be selected for the senior school finals, which will be held on Monday 24th September (Week 10).
The overall winner of each category will go forward to the Inner City Schools Zone final which will be held in Week 1 of Term 4, Thursday 18th October.

Genius Hour

These projects are really starting to take off.  Students are motivated because they are working on projects that they are truly passionate about!  
I am sure you have already had your children asking for advice, help and even money for this but one of the things we tried to make clear from the start is that whatever they intend to do should not be something that requires parents to open their wallets.  We also encourage students to work on projects at home and discuss what they are doing with their parents but remind them that they are their projects and the work needs to be done by them.

Reading Zone

This week we have been looking back at student's Reading Logs and have been blown away by the huge amount of reading that has happened this year.  Some of our most avid readers are reading up to two books a week! 
Just a reminder that the expectation is that students must take the same book home and read for at least 30mins each night!  It is then the students' responsibility to bring their book back to school the next day.

Inspirational People

Calling all architects, coders, creatives, animators, creative geniuses – absolutely anybody!  Please come into our learning space to educate us about what you do to make our world a better place / what your role is in the community. We have had two incredibly inspirational parents come in and share their journeys with us. We want to expose the children to the endless open opportunities that are out there, so they are prepared for our future.

Important Dates:

Photolife - Team & Portraits - 4th September

Te Wiki o te reo Maori - Maori Language Week - 10th - 14th September

ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts - 13th September (Save day 20th)

Skip-a-thon Day - 21st September

Book Fortnight - 17th - 28th September

ICSS Hockey - 27th September

Last Day of Term - 28th September

Sunday 26 August 2018

Prepared Speech Info 2018

Prepared Speech

Children will prepare a 3 minute speech to present to their team during week 9, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September (Week 9). Four speeches will be selected for the senior school finals, which will be held on Monday 24th September (Week 10).

The overall winner will go forward to the Inner City Schools Zone final which will be held in Week 1 of Term 4, Thhursday 18th October.

This week all children will be expected to begin preparing their speeches. There will be a lot of class time allocated for this but all children are expected to practise it at home as well.

How to go about Preparing Your Speech (Week 6)

  1. Topic
Choose your topic carefully. It is easier to do a speech on a subject you know about or are interested in. The theme is ‘My World’ but can be open to interpretation so some students might write about their culture whilst others may focus on their families etc.
     2.   Brainstorming

Write down everything you know about your topic. Brainstorm with lots of others: classmates, mum, dad, brothers, sisters, grandma, grandpa, etc. Organise your ideas into a mindmap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

     3. Message
        Decide on the message that you are trying to get across to your audience. You may
           need to carry out some research.

4.   Introduction
Remember you must catch the attention of your audience.

5.   Main Part of Your Speech
Now that you’ve gained the attention of the audience you must keep it- otherwise they will switch off.

6.   Conclusion
It is really important that you sum up your speech because these are your final words. You need to leave your audience thinking “WOW, What a neat speech!” and give them a clear message that your speech is finished.

          Giving a speech is not a dramatic performance.
          A good speech informs, convinces, persuades and the manner in which it is                
          communicated to the audience is all-important.

Speeches – Week 7

By now you should have completed your draft copy of your speech. When you read it aloud it should be between 2 1/2 and 3 minutes.

Read through your speech heaps and heaps of times. Time each other.
Drive mum and dad crazy reading and timing your speech.  You need to spend the first two homework nights reading your speech aloud. Make relevant changes to your draft- ask yourself “How can I make my speech better? Am I getting my message across?   Does my introduction wake up the audience? Does my conclusion sum up my speech and leave my audience thinking “What a neat speech”

          Giving a speech is not a dramatic performance.
          A good speech informs, convinces, persuades and the manner in which it is                
          communicated to the audience is all-important.

         By the middle of the week you should be able to pick out the relevant main   
         points of your speech.

  • Now it’s time to plan your cue cards. These should be able to be held in the palm of your hand.
  • Number each one, or punch a hole in the corner and tie together.
  • Condense to the main points. Do not attempt to write out the whole speech.
  • Use words with impact.
  • Highlight key words.

Keep your cue cards neat.


Now it’s time to practise delivering your speech.
Catch your audience’s attention right from the start. Be natural, confident, smile and frown as you would normally.
Talk with your audience- looking at them as you speak. You’re trying to get a message across to them.
Stand up straight and relaxed. Leave your audience with something to remember.
Practise your speech from cue cards. Do it out loud until you feel comfortable with the flow. Also practise in front of a mirror so you can see your expression, stance and gestures.
Using your voice: You need to present your speech effectively by varying.
Speed: Speak slowly enough for the audience to understand you. Change pace as appropriate.
Pitch: You have a wide range of 1 to 2 octaves to use.
Expression: Use your voice to show emotions e.g. fear, anger, excitement, sorrow etc.
Volume: Every word of your speech is important. The whole audience needs to be able to hear every word. This needs practice.
Remember you will be marked on
Speech Construction-
Introduction, body of speech, conclusion,
Organisation of the speech
Main points delivered well

Presentation and Delivery
      Facial and body gestures must enhance not distract from the speech
      Use of eye-contact
      Relaxed stance,
     Use of pause to allow the audience to take in the message,
      Variety of pace

                  Content of Speech
The message of the speech
Is it relevant, meaningful, clear and concise?
Does it have the audience hooked?

The use of grammar, punctation and word selection to enhance
The use of visual imagery to ensure that the message is delivered

The impact on the audience
Judges will be watching and assessing the audience’s reaction

                  Vocal Inclination

Modulation and volume of voice in the delivery of the speech
Vocal interest

Speeches are due to be presented to your team Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September.  Everyone MUST have something to present!

Thursday 16 August 2018

Rimu Teams 5 & 6 - Term 3 Week 4 ending 17 August 2018

The Rimu Team
Related image

Term 3 So Far...
Just about half way through the term and the Rimu team is feeling GRATE. Our art was a huge hit at the art exhibition and we hope you all had a chance to see some incredible work from all teams in the school. We have been busy with inner city rugby and rippa, football trials and a fun week of Maths for NZ maths week. 

Keep up to date with what your children are doing through the SeeSaw app where the Rimu team is constantly reflecting on their work and sharing it on SeeSaw.

We have speeches getting closer and closer this term and will be beginning work on this in week 5. Don't forget that things will run differently than previous years and the students will need to choose from a range of different presentation formats: Traditional Speech, Flash Talk (Including slide show), Spoken Word and Rap. It would be a good idea for them to begin thinking about which category they would like to compete in.

Art Exhibition

Well done to the students who won an Art Award in the Rimu team. Skye McCarthy, Marcel Pou, Taylor-Jaye Raela and Stella Jordan. They each won a book voucher and will be able to use this to buy a new book to use for our Reading Zone. Congratulations guys!

Inner City Rugby and Rippa

Congratulations to all the students who took part in this! The rugby boys took out the whole competition and the rippa rugby team did incredibly well with only losing two games on the day.

Learning Conferences
Sven and I were incredibly proud of our students over these two nights. They were confident, knew what they were talking about and covered all the topics and more. 

Important Dates:
ICSS Soccer @ Seddon Fields - 23rd August
Disco - KidsCan "Get a Little Crazy - 23rd August
Photolife - Team & Portraits - 4th September
Te Wiki o te reo Maori - Maori Language Week - 10th - 14th September
ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts - 13th September (Save day 20th)
Skip-a-thon Day - 21st September
Book Week - 24th - 28th September
ICSS Hockey - 27th September
Last Day of Term - 28th September

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Rimu Teams 5 & 6 - Term 3 Week 2 ending 3 August 2018

The Rimu Team

Image result for funny animal quotes clean

Term 3 Already...
We're over half way through the year now and for our Year 6 students the end is in sight.  We are having lots of conversations about enjoying every last minute at our wonderful school because these last two terms are going to go so quick!
Term 3 is busy, busy, busy!

Our focus this term is science but as we have such a busy term we are going to do science based learning in class and we won't be expected to do 'Science Fair' type projects.  Instead we will be carrying out lots of mini experiments and learning about the 'Scientific Method' and how to develop and carry out a fair test.

We also have speeches this term but again things will run differently than previous years.  This year the inner city schools are running a competition called 'Rehu Tai' meaning spoken word.  Rather than just giving students the option of writing and presenting a traditional speech they will be able to choose from a range of different presentation formats: Traditional Speech, Flash Talk (Including slide show), Spoken Word and Rap.

The rationale is that oral language covers many facets of our student’s lives and the Rehu Tai festival is a way to embrace and celebrate the diversity of oral language within our community; both culturally and generationally.

The Art Exhibition is in week four and most of our art is finished.  You have to check out our awesome photography.  It will blow you away!

Learning Conferences
Conferences are coming up next week so if you haven't booked a slot yet make sure you do.  We have been working hard getting all our learning goals up to date to share with you. 

ASA Swimming Competition
We are currently trying to organise a swimming team for a school competition coming up this term.

Term 3 events are:
 25 Freestyle
25 Backstroke
25 Breaststroke
25 Butterfly

4 mixed Relay events:-
4 x Freestyle relay 
4 x Backstroke relay 
4 x Medley relay 
8 x 25 Grand relay

Competitions days are Saturdays and are held at Cameron Pools Mt Roskill.
Children must also be able to swim in at least two events. They don't have to do all the rounds but you would have to commit to at least 2 of the above dates. The races are normally held from around  2pm on wards. 

If you are interested please let Marie Batty know by the end of Thursday the 2nd of August. 
She needs to register teams by Friday 3 August.

Important Dates:

APPA Choir Rehearsal @  Kauri Park 10-1pm - 8th August
ICSS Rugby & Rippa @ Cox's Bay - 9 August (Save Day 16th)
Learning Conferences - 8th & 9th August
Art Exhibition - 14th August 
Possible NZEI Strike - 15th August
ICSS Soccer @ Seddon Fields - 23rd August
Disco - KidsCan "Get a Little Crazy - 23rd August
Photolife - Team & Portraits - 4th September
Te Wiki o te reo Maori - Maori Language Week - 10th - 14th September
ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts - 13th September (Save day 20th)
Skip-a-thon Day - 21st September
Book Week - 24th - 28th September
ICSS Hockey - 27th September
Last Day of Term - 28th September

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Rimu Teams 5 & 6 - Term 2 Week 8 ending 22 June 2018

The Rimu Team

We're almost there..

We're in week 8 and the term is almost coming to a end. It's been a very full on term for everyone in the Rimu team and our students have done a lot of incredible work. In literacy at the moment students have written some incredibly detailed narratives with Sven. With Jack, they have created some very persuasive debates that even Kerri came down to help judge. Art is well underway, with the two groups creating some stunning photography and kakahu.


Congratulations to the Bayfield Inner City Ki O Rahi team that won the tournament last Thursday. They went through the tournament undefeated and faced a very tough Westmere Primary to win the final. They showed great determination and sportsmanship during the day. Well done to all the students who took part.


The Rimu team has been off to see the play Cats on Thursday! We actually have two of our very own students performing in it. The whole team was excited to see the show this Thursday. It's perfect timing as the students in our team have been doing an inquiry into the different types of art. We went with the Kauri team who also have students performing. 
Well done to Francesca Eglinton, Alex Fleming & Lucy Gibson our budding actresses!
It was a fun day!

Important Dates:

ICSS Rugby League @ Cox's Bay - 28th June
Hammertime Fundraiser - 29th June
Rugby League Champ of Champs - 3rd July
Rugby League Champ of Champs (save day) - 5th July
Last Day of Term - 6th July

Rimu Team 5 & 6 - Term 4 week 8 ending 7th December 2018

End of the Term and End of Another Year What a term and what a year it has been! We have loved every day with the amazing team of stud...