Tuesday 28 August 2018

Rimu Teams 5 & 6 - Term 3 Week 6 ending 31 August 2018

The Rimu Team

Image result for growth mindset quotes

What a busy term it has been so far with lots of events and competitions.  We are hoping that the rest of the term might quieten down a little bit.  The focus for the rest of the term will be on the Oral Language Competition 'Rehu Tai' and also continuing working on our Genius Hour projects and Science Inquiries.

Rehu Tai - Spoken Word

A reminder that Instead of traditional speeches this year the students will have a choice of:
1.       Traditional Speech
2.       Flash Talk
3.       Spoken Word
4.       Rap
Students have been working with different teachers this week getting motivated about their chosen category. Students will continue to work on their presentations in class with support from their teachers and peers.  It is expected that they will present to their team during week 9, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September (Week 9). Four presentations from each category will be selected for the senior school finals, which will be held on Monday 24th September (Week 10).
The overall winner of each category will go forward to the Inner City Schools Zone final which will be held in Week 1 of Term 4, Thursday 18th October.

Genius Hour

These projects are really starting to take off.  Students are motivated because they are working on projects that they are truly passionate about!  
I am sure you have already had your children asking for advice, help and even money for this but one of the things we tried to make clear from the start is that whatever they intend to do should not be something that requires parents to open their wallets.  We also encourage students to work on projects at home and discuss what they are doing with their parents but remind them that they are their projects and the work needs to be done by them.

Reading Zone

This week we have been looking back at student's Reading Logs and have been blown away by the huge amount of reading that has happened this year.  Some of our most avid readers are reading up to two books a week! 
Just a reminder that the expectation is that students must take the same book home and read for at least 30mins each night!  It is then the students' responsibility to bring their book back to school the next day.

Inspirational People

Calling all architects, coders, creatives, animators, creative geniuses – absolutely anybody!  Please come into our learning space to educate us about what you do to make our world a better place / what your role is in the community. We have had two incredibly inspirational parents come in and share their journeys with us. We want to expose the children to the endless open opportunities that are out there, so they are prepared for our future.

Important Dates:

Photolife - Team & Portraits - 4th September

Te Wiki o te reo Maori - Maori Language Week - 10th - 14th September

ICSS Netball @ Onewa Courts - 13th September (Save day 20th)

Skip-a-thon Day - 21st September

Book Fortnight - 17th - 28th September

ICSS Hockey - 27th September

Last Day of Term - 28th September

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